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Bonnot, Xavier-Marie - Michel de Palma 2 - La bestia

NotaPublicado: 05 May 2016, 07:33
por Bast

Saga: Michel de Palma - 2
Título: La bestia
Autor: Bonnot, Xavier-Marie
UUID: e3b615ea-4c77-4f9c-b25e-835900c3d0c9
Año de publicación: 2011
Título original: Bête du marais
Colección: Best seller, 834
Tamaño: 116677Kb.
Recomendado por: Bast
En el corazón de la Provenza, una criatura mitológica parece estar en el centro de varios asesinatos. El segundo caso del comisario Michel de Palma. El segundo caso del comisario Michel de Palma William Steinert, un rico industrial alemán afincado en la Provenza, ha desaparecido sin dejar rastro; el comisario Michel de Palma asume el caso y viaja al delta del Ródano, donde coincide con las ceremonias de la misteriosa cofradía que pasea por las calles la efigie de una criatura del bestiario popular, la Tarasca. Pero la fiesta se ve interrumpida por el hallazgo del cadáver de Steinert, con marcas de garras y dientes enormes. Ante la aparición de otros cuerpos mutilados, todos de antiguos cofrades, de Palma se adentrará en un mundo de oscuras tramas inmobiliarias en el que la historia negra de la Francia de posguerra sigue estando todavía muy presente. «Esta novela, ambientada en los amplios y misteriosos parajes de la Camarga, ofrece un sofisticado rompecabezas y un buen perfil psicológico del detective.» Times Literary Supplement In the heart of Provence, a mythological creature appears to be at the center of several murders in Book Two of Xavier-Marie Bonnot's Commissioner Michel de Palma series. Ingrid Steinert, the wife of a wealthy German industrialist based in Provence, goes to Michel de Palma when her husband disappears and the local police see no reason to start a murder investigation, which is what she suspects. The case piques the commissioner's curiosity and he travels, unofficially, to the heart of Provence and then to the marshes of the Camargue, in the Rhone delta, to take a look. This a region steeped in mythology for centuries, the Brotherhood of the Knights of Tarasque strolled down the streets with a popular creature bestiary during the festivities of Tarasque, the famous village in Provence. But this summer, the night ceremony must be discontinued after a gruesome discovery: in the marshes has appeared a corpse, supposedly destroyed by huge claws and teeth. It is the rich German industrialist Willam Steinert. Is it possible that the monster of legends is more than just a myth? When other mutilated bodies continue to appear, all former members of the Brotherhood, Palma enters a world steeped in mystery, where the black history of postwar France is alive and kicking. It's a world where the Commissioner's inquiries are not welcome and might put him in mortal danger.